Prof. PhD Paul Borm
"Be creative and build bridges"

Paul Borm is an entrepreneur in Life Sciences and Medical Technology. During his 25 year academic career in Toxicology (Maastricht, Düsseldorf) he conducted research into biomarkers of lung diseases such as in coal miners. In 2004 he co-founded a high-pact journal (PFT) for particle toxicology and he is the author of more than 250 publications in this field. Since 15 years, Nanotechnologies feed his activities on regional and global level, and provide inspiration for new developments. In 2011 he founded Nano4Imaging GmbH in Aachen which focuses on mprovement of cardiovascular diagnosis and interventions using MRI. Paul Borme can support thorugh his immense network and know-how in any application or risk mitigation of nanomaterials through his company Nanoconsult.