
LIGHCON Call for Papers-period extended


L I G H TCO N | 2 3 – 2 4 J U N E 2 0 2 1

LightCon is the first solution-oriented cross-material and cross-technology platform for all user sectors of lightweight construction. Two full days of conference program with top-class keynotes, panels and lectures and a trade fair with exciting showcases and live presentations as well as a special evening event are waiting for you!

MOTTO: “Sustainability needs Lightweight Design”

Sustainability, eco-efficiency and reduction of CO2-emissions are key topics that have arrived at the heart of society. In order to advance towards a greener future, the industry has to be highly innovative and must develop new technologies, which is a big challenge, but also a great chance at the same time. Lightweight Design is a key technology in this regard: “Sustainability needs Lightweight Design”.

The Call for Papers now ends on 22 January 2021. To apply, please use our Call for Papers-Document


Deutsche Messe AG

Seit 1947 bringen wir Aussteller durch unsere Veranstaltungen und Services mit den richtigen Besuchern zusammen. Das hat schon viele kleine Unternehmen zu Weltmarktführern gemacht und große Unternehmen bei ihrem Expansionskurs unterstützt. Unsere...mehr...